Friday, 7 August 2015

SS Thoughts #28: What’s in a Name?

I have a treasured scroll with more than 50 Biblical names for Jesus, (like the one pictured). Some of the names that mean the most to me are:

·      MASTER (Matthew 8:19)
·      TEACHER (John 3:2)
·      MAN OF SORROWS (Isaiah 53:3)
·      WONDERFUL COUNSELOR (Isaiah 9:16)

These names bring me to my knees when I think that Jesus could stoop down to me, a lowly sinner, and provide all that is wrapped up in those names.

Which name means the most to YOU…..
Which name do YOU call when you are in need, or when you are battered and beaten……
Which names do YOU shout and sing when you want to praise Him………

I implore you to seek Him diligently – in His word. Share Him with others. Call on Him with the name you love. He will be THE ROCK through your storms. He will be your HIGH PRIEST, MEDIATOR and REDEEMER. He is THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. And He is always just a prayer away………

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