Friday, 10 July 2015

SS Thoughts #24: Princes and Princesses

A short post after a looong absence :) The media hype surrounding the birth and christening of England’s new Princess Charlotte made me think about this royal family.

Queen Victoria, (1819-1901), was one of the greatest rulers of the British Empire - whose territory once included my country. In fact we still have artifacts to remind us (see picture 2). 

As a young girl, Victoria was taught all the things she would need to know to be a great queen. But Victoria was a normal teenager who didn’t want to spend all her time doing schoolwork. (In our time she would have wanted to be socializing on FB, Twitter or Snapchat, or Instagramming, What’s Apping, texting, watching video clips on Youtube, etc.)  

So her family explained that the schoolwork was preparing her to rule the kingdom. She thought about it for a long time and then decided to buckle down and learn everything she could. Victoria was not learning so that she could become a princess; she was learning because she was a princess.

You are a prince or princess of the kingdom of heaven. You become one when you accept Jesus’ offer of salvation, because you are now adopted into the family of God, (see John 1:12; 1 John 3:1-2). And so we labor here in God’s vineyard – not to earn a place in His Kingdom – but because we have been converted. Let us never forget who we are – princes and princesses of heaven – and awaiting, nay, working for, the soon return of our father/brother/king.

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