Friday, 31 July 2015

SS Thoughts #27: What’s Your Benjamin?

The story of the Israelites journey out of Egypt is fascinating. But the account of how the Israelites got to Egypt in the first place is also enthralling – it is perhaps my favorite story in the Old Testament. Genesis 37 & 39-47 recounts the story of Joseph, son of Jacob (who had 2 wives and 12 sons). But of all these sons, Joseph – the son of Rachel, the loved wife – was special to his father (as demonstrated by being given a rich coat of many colors). Such preferential treatment, compounded by Joseph’s dream-telling, ignite jealousy in his older brothers, with the result that they sell him into slavery in Egypt.
Joseph eventually rises to the position of governor in Egypt, (2nd only to the Pharaoh), and by wise governance stores up grain for a prophesied 7-year famine. Inevitably his brothers arrive in Egypt to purchase grain. Joseph allows them to, but warns them not to return unless they bring their youngest brother.

Now here is the dilemma… Benjamin is also Rachel’s son, and the child of Jacob’s old age. He will not let Benjamin go! In fact he lets him go only when he realizes that his entire family is about to perish. With all his brothers before him, Joseph reveals himself and forgives them for selling him into slavery, assuring them that it was God’s plan in the first place (Genesis 45:7). Eventually Joseph sends for his father and all his people and settles them in Egypt.

What is your Benjamin? What are you holding onto when God asks you to make a move? Is it your job status, or possessions, or your connections/affiliations? We have no idea of the blessings we might be forfeiting when we hold on to things we should let go. Imagine Jacob’s joy when he let go of Benjamin and was reunited with the son he thought was dead! Imagine how glad his family was to occupy the best land in Egypt!

We too must be able to give up our Benjamin in order to experience what God has purposed for us to do. We have to trust that He knows what is best for us. Won’t you let go and let God….

(Developed from a sermon heard at Berean SDA, Atlanta, GA)

This version of a well-known song "Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid" may be worth listening to:

Sunday, 26 July 2015

SS Thoughts #26: Asleep or Awake?

Visiting Alaska has been an awesome experience – one that is hard to describe :) A few of my favorite memories are shared below… One tour guide shared the view that visiting Alaska should be postponed till one is old – since visiting Alaska when you are young could spoil you for anywhere else! Hmmmm….

The arctic is extremely cold in the winter. Many animals hibernate in order to survive. Even whole towns in Alaska shut down during the winter months! But the Arctic Wooly Bear caterpillar is special. Unlike other caterpillars that spend almost all their time feeding, before changing into a cocoon and later into a butterfly or moth, a Wooly Bear caterpillar spends only about 5% of its life feeding. It can feed only during the 3-4 months of summer and then it becomes frozen solid during the long winter. It wakes up only when it senses warmer temperatures, and begins feeding again. Wooly Bear caterpillars actually sleep for 7 to 14 YEARS before changing into the adult moth!

Here is the analogy: As Christians we believe in the soon coming of Jesus Christ. But some of us will be sleeping in our graves until Jesus returns to wake us in the first resurrection. Often it seems like such a looong time to be sleeping, but when we wake that time will seem but a moment—a mere twinkling of an eye. And what a transformation that will be - as different from what we are now as the butterfly is different from the caterpillar!

But let us who are still awake not fall asleep (figuratively) thinking that Christ’s return is far off. That is Satan’s plan…. Instead let us be constantly alert and active in sharing the good news of the gospel and hastening Christ’s return…..

Friday, 17 July 2015

SS Thoughts #25: Packed and Ready

After a vacation to Alaska – in the summer – this post now means more to me! The picture shows the Hubbard Glacier, seen from our ship. The post is adapted from Doug Batchelor: Finding life through real faith.

In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew sailed to Antarctica, intending to cross the continent on foot.  But before reaching Antarctica, their ship became trapped in the ice and was crushed beyond repair. For almost a year the men camped on the ice and then paddled lifeboats to a small, rocky, desolate spit of land called Elephant Island. Knowing that his crew would never survive the winter there, Shackleton took a few men and set off to get help. Before leaving the island, he promised, “I will come back. Make sure you’re packed”.

Braving monstrous waves and hurricane force winds they reached a remote whaling station on another island. In spite of his hunger and exhaustion, Shackleton turned right back with a rescue ship and small crew, and fought his way back for the stranded men. Miraculously, not a single man was lost during the entire two-year ordeal.

As they were headed home, Shackleton asked the rescued men, “How were you all able to survive?”

They replied. “We never lost hope. You had promised to return, and we believed you.”

Jesus won’t leave His people suffering forever in this cold, desolate world either.  He has promised, “I will come again” (John 14:1-3). Nothing, absolutely nothing, will deter Jesus from rescuing His people and bringing them safely home.

Do you know how much you are worth to the King of kings? Do you know what He has paid to adopt and redeem you? He paid with His own life!! Are you packed and ready for His return?

Friday, 10 July 2015

SS Thoughts #24: Princes and Princesses

A short post after a looong absence :) The media hype surrounding the birth and christening of England’s new Princess Charlotte made me think about this royal family.

Queen Victoria, (1819-1901), was one of the greatest rulers of the British Empire - whose territory once included my country. In fact we still have artifacts to remind us (see picture 2). 

As a young girl, Victoria was taught all the things she would need to know to be a great queen. But Victoria was a normal teenager who didn’t want to spend all her time doing schoolwork. (In our time she would have wanted to be socializing on FB, Twitter or Snapchat, or Instagramming, What’s Apping, texting, watching video clips on Youtube, etc.)  

So her family explained that the schoolwork was preparing her to rule the kingdom. She thought about it for a long time and then decided to buckle down and learn everything she could. Victoria was not learning so that she could become a princess; she was learning because she was a princess.

You are a prince or princess of the kingdom of heaven. You become one when you accept Jesus’ offer of salvation, because you are now adopted into the family of God, (see John 1:12; 1 John 3:1-2). And so we labor here in God’s vineyard – not to earn a place in His Kingdom – but because we have been converted. Let us never forget who we are – princes and princesses of heaven – and awaiting, nay, working for, the soon return of our father/brother/king.