Thoughts #27: What’s Your Benjamin?
story of the Israelites journey out of Egypt is fascinating. But the account of
how the Israelites got to Egypt in the first place is also enthralling – it is
perhaps my favorite story in the Old Testament. Genesis 37 & 39-47 recounts
the story of Joseph, son of Jacob (who had 2 wives and 12 sons). But of all
these sons, Joseph – the son of Rachel, the loved wife – was special to his
father (as demonstrated by being given a rich coat of many colors). Such preferential
treatment, compounded by Joseph’s dream-telling, ignite jealousy in his older
brothers, with the result that they sell him into slavery in Egypt.
Joseph eventually
rises to the position of governor in Egypt, (2nd only to the Pharaoh),
and by wise governance stores up grain for a prophesied 7-year famine.
Inevitably his brothers arrive in Egypt to purchase grain. Joseph allows them
to, but warns them not to return unless they bring their youngest brother.
here is the dilemma… Benjamin is also Rachel’s son, and the child of Jacob’s
old age. He will not let Benjamin go! In fact he lets him go only when he
realizes that his entire family is about to perish. With all his brothers
before him, Joseph reveals himself and forgives them for selling him into
slavery, assuring them that it was God’s plan in the first place (Genesis
45:7). Eventually Joseph sends for his father and all his people and settles
them in Egypt.
What is
your Benjamin? What are you holding
onto when God asks you to make a move? Is it your job status, or possessions,
or your connections/affiliations? We have no idea of the blessings we might be
forfeiting when we hold on to things we should let go. Imagine Jacob’s joy when
he let go of Benjamin and was reunited with the son he thought was dead!
Imagine how glad his family was to occupy the best land in Egypt!
We too must be able to give up our Benjamin in order to experience what God has purposed
for us to do. We have to trust that He knows what is best for us. Won’t you let
go and let God….
(Developed from a sermon heard at Berean SDA, Atlanta, GA)
This version of a well-known song "Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid" may be worth listening to:
This version of a well-known song "Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid" may be worth listening to: