In the days of the Napoleonic
wars, before radio or telegraph had been invented, messages had to be sent by
semaphore signals. From a long distance
the flags could be seen as they slowly spelled out words letter by letter (as shown below):
Napoleon had conquered parts
of Europe, and now he was at Waterloo, about to invade England; where Admiral
Wellington and his English army were putting up a brave fight. People anxiously watched for news of the battle. Slowly the flags began to spell the words:
WELLINGTON...DEFEATED…Suddenly a dense
fog covered the flags. In despair the
people fled the city. Roadblocks were
erected and houses hastily fortified as London resigned itself to destruction
from the forces of Napoleon.
Then the storm passed and the
fog began to lift. The flags began to
move once more and the message was slowly completed: WELLINGTON...DEFEATED...NAPOLEON...AT...WATERLOO. The joy of the people knew no
bounds as the full impact of the news struck home.
Living in a world that is
often filled with tears and sorrow, we do not always see the whole picture.
When the fog of unbelief is lifted and the veil is completely taken away, we
will recognize that there was no defeat at all. It had been victory from the very beginning - but we just did not get
the whole message.
In the meantime, what should
we do? The answer is simply to trust the
promise of the One who has never failed us yet.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face:
now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am
(1 Cor. 13:12)
(1 Cor. 13:12)
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