Saturday, 10 January 2015

SS Thoughts #3: Banished Words

Early this year the Internet published a list of 12 words that have been banished for 2015. This included “foodie” (an expert on food/food addict/glutton); "bae" (as in "I love you bae"); “skill set” (particular talents or abilities - why not use skills by itself?); and any word that has -nation added to it, e.g. Packer-nation and Brewer-nation.  To continue using these words is unfashionable.

The article led me to consider some words that as Christians, we should banish permanently from our vocabulary. Here are a few:

·      Weak – “We are strong in the Lord and His mighty power” (Eph. 6:10)
·      Afraid – “Surely He is with us always, even to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:20)
·      Worried – “You cannot add even a single hour to your life by worrying” (Matt. 6:27)

The challenge last week was for SS members to compile their own list of 10-12 words, with a Bible reference to support each one. An incentive was offered for the first youth and adult to hand in their list on the following Sabbath (today).

Hmmmm…… Disappointing response….. Only ONE list was proffered, and without ANY supporting Bible references. Made me wonder how well we are anchoring ourselves in God and His Word in these faith-challenging times......

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