Tuesday, 1 January 2013


School 1 – FTF
·       Less interested than previously!! Ready to leave – though there are still a few nice students I’ll miss
·       A little concerned for the students I’ll leave, but then again life moves on.
School 2 – Online
ü  Rigorous – so much reading; demanding only my best - but still basically loving it!!
ü  Great facilitators; interesting courses; a really fascinating direction for learning; global friends
§  Not so good – feelings of isolation; intermittent interactions with classmates; self-doubts; not being sure of the direction I’m headed
§  I work so hard in church! What an oxymoron – isn’t the Sabbath meant to be a day of rest? What a laugh!!!
§  Amazing though.  Despite some opposition from a few diehards, the Sabbath School seems to be headed in a good new direction!!! My colleagues seem to be excited to be working on my team!! The teachers have a-l-l-l consented to continue teaching!!! New persons have agreed to teach!! And no one has complained (yet) about being shifted around a little bit here and there!!!
§  Thank you God!!!
Ø  A little older. 
Ø  A lot wiser, stronger and fearless maybe?  Thank you HFU!!
Ø  Some personal hurts.  (But we live in an imperfect world – we all have hurts)
Ø  Some good things to pray for and look forward to this year
Ø  It’s all life, and I’ll live it the best I can.

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