Friday, 23 November 2012

A method from hell??

I have been sharing this with my current online facilitator.  The recent Sabbath School congress introduced a new method of lesson review - more interactive, the teacher as co-learner with the students rather than a lecturer and sage; reading Bible texts; meditating on them, then sharing in two's (vertical and horizontal relationships) and finally application of the text in a personal way (transformation) - all in an effort to increase participation and hopefully attendance in the Sabbath School.  Sounds good to me!!! Sounds like a constructivist approach to learning in church!!!

So as the head superintendent I have to introduce this 'new' method in the Sabbath School. I'm game.  So last week instead of breaking up into smaller units I conducted the lesson review to the entire adult SS (about 200 persons) to show how it could be done.  I asked 2 elders to assist me to answer some of the expected Bible questions.  Went surprisingly well. Thank God.  Then later the same day I held a training seminar for the teachers so they can take over in their own classes. Not so good!!! "It can't work"; "It's changing up everything" "Is this a proven method" etc. etc. As one of the elders said - They're acting like you're trying to introduce a method from hell!!

Some teachers are willing to try, but not all. Tomorrow we'll see what happens.  Perhaps after that I will be railroaded out of the church - having the audacity to try to introduce new things!! And I'm not trying to change doctrine!! I'm only trying to implement a method of presenting the doctrine.  Lord help me!!

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