Saturday, 7 July 2012

Keeping a Promise - Sharing a Testimony

Okay, so I live in the Bahamas but was not born here - I'm bicultural!  When I came to this country, I was 'adopted' by an older couple who just loved me and later my children.  When I was critically ill, they prayed and cried over me and fed me.  The husband has since passed away, but the wife continues to be my trusted advisor.  Now her daughter-in-law has just passed away from cancer - so sad!

So today (Sabbath) I stopped by to drop off some food for the family, as per the custom here. But I was also the Sabbath School Superintendent for todays program - a big day (Bahamas Independence Sabbath), so I'm hurrying! On leaving I pass a woman on the street, who is asking for a ride.  But I don't stop since that would make me late!  But as I'm driving I'm chiding myself for being unchristian.  So I stop, reverse (around a corner) to the woman and ask her where she's going.  In turn she asks me where I'm going - so I give her the general vicinity of where my church is.  So she says that will be fine, gets into my car (with difficulty - she has bad knees), buckles her seatbelt, and we start off.

Then she asks me if I'm going to the Seventh Day Adventist Church!  I say yes!  Then she says "You don't remember me do you Sister Johnson!"  O-o-o-h!  I felt so ashamed.  She knew me by name! I had to apologize!  She explained that she used to attend my church, but has since moved to another one.  That she was not going to church today, because she would be traveling later today to seek medical attention for her knees and was on her way to collect some money that had been promised her. And my focus had been just to hurry to church!

A facilitator in one of my online courses told me that the course would make me a better teacher.  Now I agree.  But it has also made me a better Sabbath School Superintendent and a better christian, because I went to church (on time) and presented probably one of the best Sabbath School programs I've ever done!  Lord help me to always be open to see the need in others, and to help wherever I can.


Jules Pagna Disso said...

great post Cynthia. I am glad to hear about your improved skills but more so about the wonderful action you did.

CCJ said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the honesty. We can never be too busy for the Lord to ignore His prompting and guidance in caring for the least of his brethren.

I too find myself in a similar position and like you I feel ashamed. Like the Pharisee who went on the other side to avoid getting involved with the wounded (but assumed dead) Samaritan we are tempted to imitate such behavior.

He is still working on us...

CCJ said...

Thanks T. Indeed He is still working on us.