Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Punto finale!

End of courses.  Thank God!  The first course ended today - I submitted the cumulative project!  I hardly know what to do with myself now with all this extra time on my hands! (joke!) It's been such a constant going, going, going over the past weeks.  Perhaps I could get some needed sleep, or sit down to eat a decent meal!  Course #2 should end in 2 days, with the team project - unfortunately we are not quite ready!  It's going to be a big push for those 2 days.  Okay, so I understand the rationale behind team projects - building a learning community and a community of practice (interacting/sharing ideas/problem-solving/enhancing critical thinking skills, etc. etc. etc.), but honestly my feeling is still "Down with team projects"!  Apparently though no one in HFU shares this feeling!  But I find it is s-o difficult to correlate team projects and member roles in the online learning environment.  Someone has internet problems, or someone has another important meeting, or someone has to work on yet another submission for HFU, and no matter whether the allotted time is 6 weeks or a few days, the project always seems to get done in the last sleepless day or two before it is due!

Very interesting though to see the course reflections posted by fellow classmates for both courses.  Our facilitators must feel gratified, that despite all the noise and complaining, the students learnt so much, are appreciative and will use the new information and technologies learnt. (I'd like to continue to blog! I'll continue to refine my techniques for digital storyboarding, I'd like to continue to use mind maps!) Great job by our facilitators. They are the best! Yeah!  I'm looking forward to the next 2 courses, with God's help.

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