HFU courses continue. Module 2 was pretty intense, but not as bad as it was touted to be! The mind map was time-consuming but doable. It reinforced the concept of "showing, not telling". This concept I would like to use more with my own students. Some of them are far more artistic than I am! I'm also questioning students more in order to increase their depth of knowledge, as well as sending them to do more research (and submit it to me), now that I'm aware of the breadth of information that can be accessed so easily.
Quite a few fellow students were brought to their knees by this module (coupled with additional work from another course). Shocking to see who some of them were! I survived somehow. Yeah!! I think perhaps that even though both courses have their modules for a 2-week period, the deadlines are not the same, leading to a feeling of continually 'running'. Coupled with work, home, church and personal responsibilities it's a little difficult trying to remember which deadline belongs to which course! Something else to 'discuss' with HFU maybe!! Module 3 looks easier (thank God) and more interesting - selecting software and tools for online learning. HFU has notified us that they will continue to alternate 2 courses with one course offering to speed up the program. Yeah again! The idea of finishing early appeals to me, so I'll embrace the challenge.
Hello Cynthia,
You seem to be on top of things, but still I want to encourage my classmates to keep on blogging. When we look back one year from now on some of the things we blogged about, it will be a reminder of God's grace and mercy towards each of us.
God bless.
Linda A
Thanks Linda. I'd like to encourage all my classmates too to keep on working hard. I may seem to be on top of things, but it's really been hard work for me too. Yes, when we look back (from the graduation platform!) it will be really be a reminder of God's grace and mercy and His leading in our lives.
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