In the animal
world, there are some babies who look exactly like their parents. Take the picture below for instance. The baby looks like a dog, walks like a dog, and barks like a
dog, so it must be a dog!
Then there are
some babies that look nothing like
their parents. A good example is a caterpillar. It looks nothing like the adult
it is eventually going to be. It does not move the same, and it does not even
eat the same!
Among us as
humans there are some parents and children who could win look alike contests.
The boy in the picture below is the image of his father! Sometimes the child doesn’t
even have to be the same gender to look exactly like the parent – like the
father and daughter in picture 4. That man certainly does not need a DNA test!
On top of all
that I am told that married couples eventually begin to look like each other. The
man and woman in the picture below almost look like sister and brother rather than
husband and wife!
What am I trying
to get at here? As Christians, we have accepted Christ as our heavenly father,
and have been born anew into the family of God. So why don’t we look like Him?
Why don’t we walk like Him? Why don’t we talk like Him? Should persons have to
guess who our Father is? Or should we be
such a look-alike of our father that when people see us they can see Christ in
us? How else would we be able to prove our unity with Him?
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