Deliberations 2017(3): #Fireflies
The tiny lamplighter – also called a firefly or lightning
bug – is an astonishing insect. Only about 1 inch long, it carries a lamp that can
light up the darkness of a summer night. The light is so bright that it can
illuminate the pages of a book!
It is always amazing for me to see how nature illustrates
the truths of the Bible. The chemical that produces the firefly’s light is
called luciferin. Did you get that? Lucifer-in. Lucifer was the brightest angel
in heaven, until his pride caused him to be cast out of heaven – along with 1/3
of the angels who listened to his lies. Now he roams the earth as the angel of
darkness, seeking to spread more lies. He offers sights, sounds, and
experiences that are extremely beautiful and pleasurable - that will lead to
hell. But get this. Hell was not created for you. Do not make the choice to go
We can be like a firefly and be a light to the world. Let us
continue to shine our light as we lead others out of darkness into marvelous