Saturday, 8 April 2017

Deliberations 2017: Come and see

One of the most amazing sights I have experienced is that of Mt. McKinley (now renamed Mt. Denali). Standing 20,310 ft. (6,168 m) above sea level, it is the third most prominent peak in the world (after Mt. Everest and Aconcagua in South America). It is part of the Alaskan range and the centerpiece of Denali National Park.


An estimated 32,000 persons have attempted to reach the summit, but only about 50% have succeeded. More than 100 persons have died from falls, exposure, avalanches and acute altitude sickness.
Despite its size, the mountain is not easy to see. Often the mountain cloaks herself in enormous banks of billowing clouds. But sometimes she rolls back those clouds and exposes herself to the patient viewer in all her majesty—sparkling in the sun and dwarfing all other mountains around her. On our trip we waited past midnight to see the mountain unfold. And then the cry was heard “Look! She’s out!” The sight is indescribable. There are simply no words to use. A fellow traveler was overheard speaking on his cellphone to his wife. “Come”, he said. “Get up out of your bed”. “You have to see this for yourself”. “I cannot describe it to you”.

What about us? Are we waiting patiently for Jesus? Or are we sleeping while others watch and wait? What about your encounter with Christ? Wouldn’t you want other to have that same experience with Him? What about the new earth? Wouldn’t you want to see it for yourself? Come my friends. Come and see….

“What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see. When I look upon His face, the one who saved me by His grace. What a day, glorious day that will be.”