Deliberations 2016(2): The Great
informs us that there is a specific type of doctor for almost every major
system in the human body. But becoming a
specialist in a particular area can be a daunting task. Doctors can spend from 3-6
years in specialized training – after already spending 4 years as an undergraduate, and 4 years in medical school. A newly certified physician is usually
about 30 years of age; and must continually seek professional development to
remain current in his/her field.
Yet after
spending a comparatively short 40 days in the wilderness, and undergoing no medical
training that we know of, Jesus embarked at the age of 30 on a ministry in
which he demonstrated competency in a number of medical specialties and
compassion for our human condition, as he healed a multitude of illnesses. For
· A Surgeon – He replaced the
soldier’s ear. Moreover he used minimally invasive techniques and no tools!
Luke 22:50-53
· A Hematologist – he healed the
woman with the issue of blood – Luke 8:43-48
· A Psychiatrist/Psychologist – He
healed deranged minds – Luke 4:33-35
· An Audiologist & Speech
Pathologist – He made the deaf hear and the dumb speak – Mark 7:31-35
· An Orthopedist – He straightened
bones and made the lame walk – John 5:1-9
· A Dermatologist – He healed 10
men of leprosy – Luke 17:11-19
· A cryogenic engineer – He raised
the dead – John 11:38-44; Luke 7:11-15
· A Cardiologist &
Neurosurgeon – He operates on our hearts and our minds, making us worthy to be
called His sisters and brothers, and children of God – John 1:12
is undoubtedly the only physician
who is specialized to heal all ills, and His patient rapport is so
good you will feel like His only patient. He is available 24/7; there is
no charge for visits or prescriptions; and His cure is guaranteed!! There is
even a bonus – He offers you a better life after this one! Won’t you make Him
your personal physician today?