SS Thoughts #34: A Bridge
To Us?
Bridges are soooo useful. They allow us to connect areas that could
otherwise remain separated. Some bridges give us the feeling that they are
solid and strong. Others appear quite frail—persons are afraid to trust the
bridge to hold them. Or their fear of heights might prevent them from venturing onto such bridges. Bridges with a sound foundation support the load of
traffic easily, but a bridge with weak foundations can lead to great loss of
share a couple quotes from Pastor Samuel Telemaque’s Outline for the Adult SS
Lessons (Q2-2015; #12): a) “We need to build our lives on the foundation of Christ, that we may be
strong enough to support the loads we are asked to carry…. b) Jesus, being
perfect in all aspects, bridged the gap
between God and man, by becoming the only God-Man—completely divine, yet
completely human at the same time”.
As our Savior,
Jesus offers salvation for all
people. Laying aside His kingly position, He reached down to connect with lowly,
sinful, human beings—but He desires to restore His own image in us. By becoming
human, He understands completely our weaknesses and
infirmities and wants to support us.
c) Jesus built
bridges for communication of the gospel. E. G. White urges us not to be “stereotyped in one manner of working”,
but to adapt our methods of witness in creative ways, (Evangelism, p. 106). Facebook is a good forum to reach out to others in our global community and share the
good news of the gospel.
Won’t you reach
up to Jesus for His support, and to
accept His offer of salvation? Won’t you reach out and across and share Him with others who also need to know Him?
A bridge to us (2):
Someone made a comment to my post on Facebook that made me want to add something.
The comment: "Bridges
can indeed be a source of help or a place of calamity... I am thankful
however that Jesus is the bridge that takes mankind once again before
the Heavenly Father.... Thank you for your Cross Lord!"
This reminded me of an often-shared 'cross' story:
The man in the video clip was exhausted from carrying his
cross, and cried out to God asking Him to lighten the load. In the next picture, the man had a saw in his
hand and was cutting off a portion from the bottom of the cross and then
thanking God for making it lighter. This
happened several times and the cross got shorter and shorter. The others around
him kept carrying the full weight of their cross, but his kept getting lighter
and lighter and he was thrilled.
When they got to the huge gap in the road, the others used
their cross that had not been shortened to get over to the other side—to
figuratively get to heaven. This fella’ did not have that option—his cross was
too short…. Hmmmm…. Our burdens make us stronger.
Romans 5:3-5 says, “…we glory in tribulations, knowing that
tribulations produce perseverance; and perseverance, character, and character,
hope. Now hope does not disappoint
because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy