Monday, 16 February 2015

SS Thoughts #8: Where’s your shine?
Adapted from an article in the SS Youth Resource Magazine (Q2-2014).

Years ago some men were panning for gold in Montana, and one of them found an unusual stone. Breaking it open he was excited to see that it contained gold. Soon the whole crew found an abundance of the precious metal. Happily they began shouting, “We’ve found it!! We’ve found it!! We’ve found gold”.

However they needed to return to the nearby town for supplies. They agreed not to tell anyone about what they had found. On leaving the town they were dismayed to find that hundreds of men were prepared to follow them. 

“Who told you our secret”, they asked. The reply came, “No one told us. Your faces showed it”.

Does your face show that you have discovered a great treasure – the secret of salvation? Does your face show that you have discovered God’s unchanging love for you? Does your face show that this earth as it is, is not your home? Or does your face only reflect doom and gloom? Why don’t you let God’s love shine out of you daily, to draw others closer to Him?

Saturday, 7 February 2015

SS Thoughts #7: God’s Plans vs Our Plans

The adult SS lesson for this week asked a very pertinent application question – How has God led you in ways that turned out better than your own plans? It made me reflect on something I read once (source unknown):

I asked for favors;
            God gave me opportunities.
I asked for strength;
            God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom;
            God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for prosperity;
            God gave me a brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage;
            God gave me obstacles to overcome.
I asked for love;
            God gave me troubled people to help.

I received nothing I wanted. But I received everything I needed.

Indeed what you get is NOT what YOU SEE (the title of the lesson) - especially when we look at things with our limited and dim vision.

What’s your response to the first question? And how does this affect your ability to trust God in the present and future?